Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bangs !

I struggled so much over whether or not to give Kelly bangs, but obviously, I gave in today! It was just driving me crazy to see her hair hanging in her eyes all the time-- and pulling it back with clippies or bows was not working very well because she's always pulling them out! Truly, I would say I was re-clipping her hair back at least a dozen times a day!
But isn't she cute with bangs? I think she looks so much older, which makes me kind of sad. =(

I was having a hard time getting her to be still... as usual!

This cheesy smile actually isn't a smile. It's what she does now when I say, "Kelly, where are your teeth?" There they are!

So, it looks like Kelly will have bangs for now. Clint's not too happy- he wanted to leave them alone, but he's not the one at home with her, re-clipping her hair all day long! When he came home from work tonight and saw her, he said the bangs make her look like a boy. (The rest of her hair wasn't up.) Oh, I felt sick when he said that! I hope he's not right, but now I'm looking at her with her bangs and thinking, "Oh no! He's right. She does look like a boy! What have I done??"
So- thanks a lot, Daddy!
I remember when I was six years old, my mom gave me the shortest haircut, and everyone thought I was a boy! It was so embarrassing. So we got my ears pierced! LOL. But there's no way I'm piercing Kelly's ears- I just hope Clint's wrong about the boy look.
Oh well- we can grow them out when she's a little older and able to leave her hair clips alone!


Cheri and Shane said...

I don't think she looks like a boy. I think she looks adorable with the bangs. I do agree with you, though, and think she looks older...and I know what you mean when you say that makes you sad...because everytime I trim Hope's bangs I always say "Where did my baby go" because she looks like such a big girl!!

Great job! :)

Blomquist Blog said...

My vote is that she does not look like a boy. She is adorable with the new look and it does make her look older. I clearly see girly girl in those pics! I think she just looks precious!

Love ya,


Clint and Jennifer said...

Thanks for the reassurance, you guys. That makes me feel better! I do think she's so cute, no matter what!
Thanks so much!

Bethany said...

It's ADORABLE!!!!! She in no way looks like a boy! I love it!!..for what it's worth. :)

Beth and Terrell said...

Hi! Happy Holidays! Sorry I haven't said hi in a while. But let me say - she is ADORABLE with bangs! I love it. She has beautiful teeth too! She gets prettier everytime I see her pictures! Hope all is well!


fourlittlehawks said...

Dear Kelly,

Tell your Daddy that Auntie says he looks like a girl.

I love your bangs, I think you look tres chic.


Connie Son said...

I don't think that she looks like a boy either!! I agree that she looks older and I love the bangs. I was in the same postion at one time and now at almost 4 no more bangs so you and Kelly will get there. Great choice mom! She is the cutest thing ever especially when she shows those teeth off!

~natty and barclay said...

My beautiful China doll, Boo does NOT look like a boy! Daddy just wishes he had had enough hair to have BANGS! (Poor Clint, getting hit from all sides!) She's adorable! Hey, even Nanna has bangs, Bangs Rule!

my3 kids said...

I think she looks cute with bangs..I struggle too as to leave Emma's grow out or cut them. I have given in and cute them just to help her hair look fuller...maybe when she has a tad more I will let them grow out. Kelly's hair looks alot like Emma's..very fine and not alot of it yet. I don't think she looks like a boy...Jen! She's too cute for words.
