Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


It's hard to beat the glory of God's creation displayed at Yosemite National Park. Add the love and laughter of family and close friends to enjoy it with, and it's like a little slice of heaven on earth.

Love that big smile!!!

And this peaceful one too...

Did I mention my new favorite picture? Sorry, it's just that I can't get enough of it. Kelly, that is!

The kids and I are heading to Colorado for Spring Break to enjoy more of God's beauty, not only in nature, but more importantly, in his people. We get to spend a week with my step-mom, my sister and her family. We'll also get to see some friends while we're there.
I am loving life these days!
More pictures to come soon...


Blomquist Blog said...

As Blake would say, "Holy smacks!!" Those are unbelievable pictures Jen. You can sure see the beauty not only in nature, but in all of you! Wow! Looks like it was a blast! Thanks for sharing the pics. I do love the one of you, Clint, and Kelly--PRECIOUS! I am so glad things are looking up for you! Enjoy every moment and enjoy your sister and her family!

Lots of love,


Natalie said...

WOW!!! What beautiful pictures of the entire family and it looks like ya all had a great time! Kelly looks darling and have I mentioned how I LOVE her beautiful smile??
