Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

More pictures!

Apparently, I'm suffering some sort of post-China-jet-lag Insomnia, because it's 2 am and I can't sleep, so I thought I'd post some pictures to the blog!
I'm getting sort of sick of taking pictures to be honest, (LOL) even though I love to look at them! I guess after all the pictures we took during our trip, I just want to hang out and not worry about picking up the camera every other minute! BUT, I know the pictures are priceless, and they're so fun to share- PLUS, they're such a great way to remember everything as we look back on things that happen so fast and can easily be forgotten as time passes.
My sweet sister is leaving on Friday- I'm SOOO SAD. I can't even express how wonderful this time has been with her- from how she was just so amazingly supportive through everything while we were in China, to how special our time has been together since we've come back home. She just wraps us all up in this blanket of love and we are all just so blessed and feel so cherished and nurtured by her. She's an amazingly loving and giving person- I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful sister, but I'm so glad she's mine! I'm also so thankful she stayed longer than planned- I talked her into another couple of days, because... well... I made up some pretty good reasons, but honestly, it's just too hard to let her go! My only regret is that I have not been able to enjoy her sweet children as much as I'd have liked to because of my preoccupation with Kelly. I know they understand, but they are precious and I long to have the time and energy to give them the attention they deserve. They're such sweet children- so lovely and each one special in his/her own way, and I can't wait to enjoy them more the next time we're all together.
Since tomorrow's my last day with my sister, I'm going to try to do something fun with all of us, so my sister and I don't wallow in pre-goodbye-blues. (We're known for that!) I'll try to take some pictures of all of us and share them in the next couple of days.
It has been so fun for us to watch Kelly and to enjoy getting to know her better each day. She's already changed so much and is just a little sponge right now. She's doing remarkably well. I have been working on posting some video of her, but I've had "techinical difficulties" so I'll keep working on it and share it when it finally works!
Notice the picture of Kelly holding the balls? One of her index fingers is pointing out. She almost always has that finger pointing out. Cute-cute!
Nanna, do you notice a certain little giraffe in the pictures? Yep, Kelly's been having a ball with it! She likes to ride it backwards too, as you can see, the little renegade! Oh, she's just like her daddy- he never can stick to the conventional way of doing things!

She is sooo curious about Chloe and Kaya, as they are about her. She gets a little more comfortable and moves a little bit closer to them each day. We can tell that Kaya is just DYING to sniff her from head to toe and sneak in a kiss or two, too, but she's been SOO GOOD about keeping a distance that Kelly's comfortable with. She waits until Kelly initiates closer contact, and as you can see, Kelly's been doing just that. Kaya is such a great dog- she just lies there like "yeah, whatever" but you can tell she's just dying to plant a big, wet kiss on Kelly's face! In due time, Kaya, in due time.
We're having so much fun- enjoy the pictures!


~natty and barclay said...

Boo just seems to be blooming! She is going to wonder where all her other "sisters and brothers" have gone!! Such wonderful memories Caleb and Camryn have been made with Josh, Emma, Hannah, Eli and Auntie. Indeed a wonderful blessing to have been immersed in all the love. I, too am grateful to Jeni Sue for all she has done. She indeed, is a very precious and sacrificing sister. I'm am glad I have one, too! You are going to have withdrawl but "normalcy" (is that a word?) will soon start to set in. Kaya is probably going to wonder, too, where have all the kiddos gone. She looks like a big stuffed animal in Boo's room! I can picture Kelly crawling on over and reclining on Kaya! I know you are tired reaching for the camera, we understand that life needs to resume to the normal daily routines. But just in case you feel the urge to grab the camera.... we are all here watching! I love you all dearly. Squeeze all the little Hawks and Jeni Sue for me before they leave. My prayers will be with them for safe travel mercies. Camryn and Caleb, Nanna misses you dreadfully and hopefully before next summer, I can come out and see you all and meet precious little sister, Kelly!
Hugs and Kisses! Nanna

Corie Barnhart-Grogan said...

I have been crying and LOL thru your whole post!! I so understand you being tired and wanting to just chill out and enjoy having your baby home & and embracing all that is near and dear to you! I can't tell you how much it means to us out here "Waiting in Blog Land" to see the next pictures and hear all the news!!! Thank you so much for this huge blessing! I would give anything to be able to hold Kelly and shower her with lots of loves, hugs and kisses..she is the most beautiful, adorable, sweet and cute little baby girl ever!! I hope you got back to bed quickly enough and was able to get some fast but good Zzzzzz's! Thank you again! I love you all so much!! xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hey Jen,

I have to agree with Corie it is wonderful to see the pictures and to hear what is going on. I go to the page everyday, sometimes 2 times to see if anything is going on. Thank you!!! I completely understand if you need to stop taking pictures so you can just enjoy her and your own family. No pressure, I would feel the same way. :) I know you are sad Jenn is leaving but I am sure it will be nice to have everything settle down and get more into your own routine. Hopefully your body will get over this jet lag soon. Kelly looks so happy Jenn! When I think back to the first pictures you sent and now to these she seems so happy and content. She seems to be enjoying everything so much. All the fun toys, pets etc. She is so blessed!

I love you, Merl

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you talked your sister into staying a few more days. All the more reason for us to lay low for a little while longer so you can get in all the family time possible. She is truly an amazing lady, as are you. We're not going anywhere and will still be here when "normal" finally settles in. Until then, just loving the pictures and the updates. I cry every time I see the ones with Camryn and Kelly. Camryn looks like she's in absolute big sister heaven. I'm sure the next few days and weeks there will be some emotional "coming down" to experience for everybody, so do what you need to do without worrying about the locals. We're here for whatever you need whenever you need it, even if that means some more time for you to catch up with sleep and the family. I did say this was every bit as emotional as a birth, and if you are anything like me, about one week postpartum I'm a complete basket case! By the way, Kathryn and I noted the other day that there is a balanced ratio of one Kneip for every Dickenson...but not for long. What are you going to do about keeping up with us for #4? JUST KIDDING!! Kathryn said Kelly counts as two.

Love you much,


Carrie said...

I found your site through your sisters who has been a very nice person to me through my crazy adoption and post adoption blues! your a very lucky lady to have her!