Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pretty Girl

We played around trying to take some family pictures yesterday, and it just didn't work out. We were in a bit of a hurry (which is never good no matter what you're trying to do!), plus the sun was too high and this spot in the shade was small and didn't provide enough light or a pretty background. These few shots of Kelly ended up being the best ones, so I thought I'd share them with you. We'll try again next weekend with more time, better light, and better scenery.
Have good week!

Do you like it better in color, or in black and white? I always prefer black and white, but I can't decide with this one.

See this one with Caleb and Kelly- it's just too dark even after I played with brightening it on Paint Shop Pro.


Blomquist Blog said...

Hi Jen!

Wow! That is a tough one about the one in color and black and white. I think I like the color just a smidgen more because her beautiful olive skin, and the color of her lips just accentuates her true beauty! I just love to see how serious she is! Good luck taking those family pics--always fun huh?!

Oh, I can't help but remember our time in Point Arena when we "hired" Caleb to make us laugh for our photo shoot. Does that ever bring back some fond memories. I can still see him dancing around being silly! Gotta love that side of Caleb!

Love you,


Clint and Jennifer said...

Now that you point that out, Deb, I think I agree with you for the exact same reasons! Her lips are too cute and the color of them is amazing against her skin.
And yes, I meant to say how cute I think she is all serious- almost pouty. Glad you appreciate that side of her too!
Oh my goodness, I totally forgot about that photo session with Caleb helping to get your kids to smile with his crazy silly ways. That was so fun! Those were some cute pictures- now my question is, how do I do that here when he has to be IN the pictures?!
WAAH! Remembering that makes me miss you guys even more!

Love ya,