Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Boingo Fun

Have you ever slept wrong and woken up with your neck completely out of whack?
Friday morning, as soon as I woke up and moved, I could tell that's what had happened to me.
It killed if I tried to turn, rotate, or tilt my head to the right. It even hurt if I held my head straight. The only way it didn't hurt was if I had it turned slightly to the left. NICE.
Thankfully, every day that's passed since then has brought slight relief, so I'm on the mend, but I still can't tilt it very much to the right. I've been limited in my activity and have been switching between taking Ibuprofen and Aleve to manage the pain.
But Friday, we had a play date at Boingo's with Tami and Ford, our friends we went to the pumpkin patch with back in October, and no neck pain was going to stop us from going!
Tami and I lead a Girls Bible Study on Monday nights together, so she's become a good friend to me, and her little guy, Ford, is just precious. He and Kelly have very similar personalities- they both have lots of energy to burn, so Boingo's is the perfect place for us to meet up to play!
Kelly had a ball. I did too, despite the pain I was in. We are going to make this Boingo's thing a regular thing!


fourlittlehawks said...

Jen, your poor neck! I hope it's 100% SOON! These pictures are just the best, you can tell Kelly was loving Boingo!


my3 kids said...

Very sorry about your neck..I have been there and the pain is awful! Hugs to you as you recover. Boingo sounds like an awesome place and looks soooooo fun. Too cool. Kelly is adorable as always:)


Bethany said...

Next time, try a works like magic!! :)

Clint and Jennifer said...

I've been so tempted, Bethany, but I have to admit, I'm scared of chiropractors! Thanks though- maybe one day I'll get the courage up!

Blomquist Blog said...

Oh Jen!

Your neck--yuck! I know what you mean about chiropractors. I have gone once before and it was one time too many for me. I hope you are doing better. Have you tried heat?

The pics of Kelly and her friend, Ford, are priceless. I LOVE the one of her coming down the slide--what an action shot. She looks like she was ready for bigger and higher. Wow! Too cute!

Love ya,


Natalie said...

Hope your neck is feeling better now. The kids like they're having a blast! I wanna go there... LOL.

Paul and Angela said...

That looks so fun! We have been looking for things to do with them and it's so hard to find stuff for little kids in this town. We are going to go tomorrow!

Beth and Terrell said...

Hey Jen, so sorry to hear about your neck. I occasionally throw out my back and I know it is agony! No stopping for pain anymore. I can't get over how beautiful and healthy Kelly looks. Jia is on the mend but still not herself. She was so very ill - scared me silly. I had to run to my SIL house at 6am Wednesday morning to have her administer a breathing treatment until we could get to the doc. Jia just kept coughing like it was a spasm and didn't seem to be able to get her breath! I was on the phone with the on-call doc and I think she even got a little scared. She said SIL for breathing txment immediately or ER. Ugh. I alternated between standing in the bathroom with hot steam from shower and standing outside in my t-shirt in 20 degree cold dry air trying to get her to stop! She did finally but - whew. She is truly on the mend now I think - still sleeping a lot but is finally eating a bit and taking in alot more fluids. She had the same thing as her cousin but she's just so little it's scary. thanks for checking in with us and once I get my password set up I'll be sure to get it to you. Hope all of your family is well - talk to yous soon.


Cheri and Shane said...


Hi!! Happy Chinese New Year to you and your whole family! I read your comment on my blog and I look forward to seeing pics of Kelly in her dress.

I love the picture of Kelly going down the slide....too cute!!

And about the neck, UGGGHHH I HATE when I do that. I have done that several times and it kills to try to turn your head. (It never fails, I always do it right before vacation...LOL)

Hope it's better today!
