Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pray For Me... Pray For Others

I saw this on the Riggs Family Blog; an awesome blog I check periodically as I've been praying for their little girl, Abby, whose been undergoing aggressive treatment for cancer; and I thought I'd join in on their "Pray For Me, Pray For Others" Wednesdays.

What they do on Wednesdays is have you post a prayer request; 1) for yourself, and; 2) for someone else. I didn't join their list or anything, but I liked their idea. It never hurts to encourage a little more prayer in the world, right?

1) Please pray for us with Kelly and all of our continuing efforts to work on attachment with her, as well as our health. We've all been sick, except for Clint (so far), and this is a nasty bug that just hangs on. I think we've gone through at least 6 full-size boxes of Kleenex between us, no joke! I just bought 3 more boxes today because we were running out, so we're going on 9! I know colds and sickness are just part of the winter season and we all get them, so it seems a little silly to ask for prayer for it, but it's just where I am.

2) Pray for Paul and Angela's son, Jordan. He's just one year old- newly adopted and has only been home from Vietnam not even two months, and he was recently admitted into the hospital with pneumonia. Please pray for his healing and for peace and comfort for their family.

Thanks so much. Feel free to join in and do this on your blog (if you have one) too. Let me know and I'll be happy to pray for you too.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Jen, it seems so like you to do such a sweet thing. I like the idea!!
