Formerly "To China For Kelly"

When I originally set up this blog, it was to chronicle our trip to China to adopt our daughter, Kelly; thus the title, "To China For Kelly." But now that I've decided to keep it up as my on-line scrapbook/journal, the title needs updating.
Inspired by my girls, who, despite their ten year age difference, both love lollipops and lip gloss; it is now titled, "From Lollipops to Lip Gloss." This is not to leave my son out, who also loves lollipops, but isn't too big on lip gloss, understandably!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy, Happy Times!

I have so many things I am dying to write about here...
and pictures I'm eager to share...
But time never seems to allow me to do all I'd love to do here.

Maybe tomorrow...?


Well, it's been wonderfully busy around here. We were able to enjoy some precious times with some of our oldest, dearest friends who came to visit us over the weekend. I do hope to be back tomorrow to share more pictures of our times spent with them, but for now, I just had to share these few pictures...

For those of you who have been wondering how we're doing with Kelly as we've been working through her attachment issues (since I am so behind on updating you!)... well, here are some pictures
a thousand words.

That last picture is my favorite.
As much delight as it brings me to see our darling Kelly with such a beautiful, authentic smile on her face
(Yes, it's true! She's finally really smiling!),
this last picture is absolutely amazing to me.

I find myself going back to it,
over and over again,
staring at it in complete awe.
So many words come to mind as I attempt to describe the look on her face...

peaceful, serene, content, secure...

yet none seem big enough
to truly express my amazement
at the miraculous transformation
that's taken place inside our precious little girl.

This picture is proof to me

that after so long,

our baby girl is finally finding that

her safe place
in my arms.

I couldn't ask for anything more.

My cup is full to overflowing with joy and thankfulness to God for all He has done.

One happy momma,


my3 kids said...

I am so happy that Kelly has made such progress so quickly..what beautiful pictures of her and mama.

Natalie said...

AAHHHHHH, I love the pictures... especially the second one and the last one. She is right where she belongs! In your arms and in your life. You worked hard my friend and you can tell. The pictures are beautiful and I'm happy that you shared them.


fourlittlehawks said...

Jen those pictures are just amazing, better than you described even! You've done some amazing work sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud you are my sister!

~natty and barclay said...

What GLORIOUS Photos! Sweet Boo has "softened up" to her Mama's unconditional love. These photos and what you have been going through remind me of the gift of unmerited favor we have in our Saviour's eyes. As we continue with our OSN, our heavenly Father bestows His Love and Favor upon us even though we are unruly, distant and fleshy. Thanks be to Him who gives freely to His children. I am so happy for all of you and proud of your consistant struggle to work in dear Kelly's life. Why and how our Abba Father allows us to twist and turn and try to push Him away yet, tenderly loving us through our resistance (of coming to Him) is truly amazing. All is takes is for us to surrender and fall into His loving arms, this is THE picture I see when I see Kelly in your arms in these precious pictures. How marvelous!

Tiffany said...

These pictures brought joyful tears to my eyes. I have been studying your hard work in bonding and attachment via your blog. Thank you for chronicling the difficulties and the joys of adoption. I long for the day when our little Hannah will be home and learning to love me that way, too.

Tiffany McBryde